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Wave Core

Steps demo

Steps wizard

Steps wizard allows to build a wizard-like functionality using buttons to go through the different steps and using events allows to hook into each step individually.

If you're going to use another solution for handling steps (e.g. process framework), you may only be interested in the HTML markup.

Customizable options

var wizard = Wave.StepsWizard(
  el,   // a DOM node to which the wizard will be attached to
    selectedItem: {
      step: 1   // sets the initial step,
                // by default the wizard will look for the first step-label with .steps-label--is-active class
    addClickHandlers: true,   // whether the navigation buttons should have click handlers attached (defaulting to true)
    enableOverview: true,     // whether an overview of steps should be displayed when clicking on the navigation bar at smaller screen screens
    shouldScrollToTop: true   // whether scroll position should be always set to top when switching steps (defaulting to false)

Component's API

.enable(stepNumber) enables a given step.

.disable(stepNumber) disables a given step.

.isEnabled(stepNumber) returns a boolean indicating whether a given step is enabled.

.getStates() returns an array of objects containing information about each step's state.

.prev() moves to the previous step.

.next() moves to the next step.

.selectedItem(object) sets the wizard to the step you specify. Expects object structured like so: { step: 2 }. If the parameter is omitted it will return an object containing a step property with the index number for the current step.

.destroy() reverts the wizard back to its original state and removes event listeners.

.on('init', function()) event that triggers after component is initialized and when initial step displays to the user.

.on('change', function(data)) event that triggers when a step is changed and displays to the user. Data is an object like so: { step: 1 }.

.on('navigate', function(data)) event that triggers immediately when next or previous button is clicked. Data is an object like so: { step: 1, direction: 'next' }.

.on('back', function()) event that triggers when back/cancel button is clicked on the first step.

.on('finish', function(content)) event that triggers when finish/complete button is clicked on the last step.

Usage example

var wiz = Wave.StepsWizard(document.querySelector('.js-stepsWizard'));
wiz.on('change', function (data) {
wiz.on('finish', function () {
  alert('Executing a callback after all steps are completed');
wiz.on('back', function () {

View the required markup for the wizard

Steps demo

Add details

Ball tip beef t-bone, pastrami short ribs frankfurter burgdoggen. Burgdoggen swine kielbasa pancetta, spare ribs turducken tri-tip boudin capicola bresaola ribeye turkey prosciutto beef

Set status
Label 6

Steps demo

Steps wizard

Go to sub steps Jump to first step

Toggle sections

Multiple open at the time. Click to toggle open/closed on each.

Content 2

Content 3

Collapse sections

Only one open at the time. Previous opened will be closed automatically when opening a new.

Content 2

Content 3

Content 4

Page 3

Page content 3

Page 4

Page content 4


Skissen fra søknaden må oppdateras og settes i korrekte mål får at ferdigmeldingen skal godkjennes.
Eksisterende skisse



Suspendisse aliquam in ante a ornare. Pellentesque quis sapien sit amet dolor euismod congue. Donec non semper arcu. Sed tortor ante, cursus in dui vitae, interdum vestibulum massa. Morbi lobortis urna quis augue mollis, eget vulputate nunc feugiat. Nunc pulvinar, nunc quis convallis congue, velit odio pharetra ipsum, quis tempor tortor augue ut ante.


Suspendisse aliquam in ante a ornare. Pellentesque quis sapien sit amet dolor euismod congue. Donec non semper arcu. Sed tortor ante, cursus in dui vitae, interdum vestibulum massa. Morbi lobortis urna quis augue mollis, eget vulputate nunc feugiat. Nunc pulvinar, nunc quis convallis congue, velit odio pharetra ipsum, quis tempor tortor augue ut ante.

Nulla fringilla, erat vel lobortis adipiscing, lorem massa elementum felis, quis aliquet orci felis consectetur enim. Curabitur facilisis eget orci vitae tempor. Phasellus arcu lorem, dapibus sit amet elit vitae, porta mattis magna. Donec interdum felis at iaculis dictum. Aliquam convallis lorem vitae orci porttitor blandit.

Suspendisse aliquam in ante a ornare. Pellentesque quis sapien sit amet dolor euismod congue. Donec non semper arcu. Sed tortor ante, cursus in dui vitae, interdum vestibulum massa. Morbi lobortis urna quis augue mollis, eget vulputate nunc feugiat. Nunc pulvinar, nunc quis convallis congue, velit odio pharetra ipsum, quis tempor tortor augue ut ante.

Nulla fringilla, erat vel lobortis adipiscing, lorem massa elementum felis, quis aliquet orci felis consectetur enim. Curabitur facilisis eget orci vitae tempor. Phasellus arcu lorem, dapibus sit amet elit vitae, porta mattis magna. Donec interdum felis at iaculis dictum. Aliquam convallis lorem vitae orci porttitor blandit.

Suspendisse aliquam in ante a ornare. Pellentesque quis sapien sit amet dolor euismod congue. Donec non semper arcu. Sed tortor ante, cursus in dui vitae, interdum vestibulum massa. Morbi lobortis urna quis augue mollis, eget vulputate nunc feugiat. Nunc pulvinar, nunc quis convallis congue, velit odio pharetra ipsum, quis tempor tortor augue ut ante.

Nulla fringilla, erat vel lobortis adipiscing, lorem massa elementum felis, quis aliquet orci felis consectetur enim. Curabitur facilisis eget orci vitae tempor. Phasellus arcu lorem, dapibus sit amet elit vitae, porta mattis magna. Donec interdum felis at iaculis dictum. Aliquam convallis lorem vitae orci porttitor blandit.

Suspendisse aliquam in ante a ornare. Pellentesque quis sapien sit amet dolor euismod congue. Donec non semper arcu. Sed tortor ante, cursus in dui vitae, interdum vestibulum massa. Morbi lobortis urna quis augue mollis, eget vulputate nunc feugiat. Nunc pulvinar, nunc quis convallis congue, velit odio pharetra ipsum, quis tempor tortor augue ut ante.

Nulla fringilla, erat vel lobortis adipiscing, lorem massa elementum felis, quis aliquet orci felis consectetur enim. Curabitur facilisis eget orci vitae tempor. Phasellus arcu lorem, dapibus sit amet elit vitae, porta mattis magna. Donec interdum felis at iaculis dictum. Aliquam convallis lorem vitae orci porttitor blandit.

Steps demo

Steps wizard



Ole Halvor Olsen


Erlands gate 11, 4010 Stavanger



Ole Halvor Olsen


Erlands gate 11, 4010 Stavanger








A description of the work order. A description of the work order. A description of the work order. A description of the work order. A description of the work order. A description of the work order.


  • Attachment no 1, with a long name
  • Attachment no 1, a sketch of …

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