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Wave Core
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v1.15.0 18-12-2024
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Flex row or grid component allow for a lot of flexibility when building form layouts. Use dB and other micro-layout helpers to stack form elements.

Select day

Custom field combinations


Validation states

To notify the user of validation errors, add .is-invalid class to each form control that has not passed validation and show an error message below. If a form is in an error state, you can also show large notification block.

Work time is required.
Small input is required.
Please provide a valid e-mail address.
Please select some file.
Select day
Set status

In rare cases you may want to visually highlight sucessfull/valid input by adding .is-valid class to the form control. Likewise, you can communicate a warning by adding .has-warning class.

Provided password is weak.
Url looks good!

Date & time

Select start date and time
Must be a valid date in format dd.mm.yyyy
Must be a valid time in format hh:mm
Select end date and time
Must be a valid date in format dd.mm.yyyy
Must be a valid time in format hh:mm

This is the technical documentation of Wave Core library, the foundational part of Wave Design System.

Currently we are working on brand new design system site and a set of polished React components that aim to work out of the box, be accessible and deliver superior developer and user experience. Browse the new Wave Design System site and Wave React components docs at https://wave.volue.com.